21 Tips on How to Get Thousands Visitors Per Day - There are so many posts about how to get thousands visitors and traffic for blog or website. From many articles, I try to explain some of these techniques. In addition, it is worth remembering, information and technology continues to evolve, so sometimes there are some things that may now be helpful but in the future is already less useful, or even not useful at all, so some of these things need to be updated, and once again for the reader who knows it, in hope to share the info here.
How to Get 10000 Visitors Per Day
This technique would only be applicable for those who have already made e-mail, blogs, and determine the topics that will be discussed on your blog (niche), whether on a single topic or wide variety of topics. For example, a blog with health niche.
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Yes, let's discuss about how to your blog / website you get hundreds visitors every day:
- Write article with quality.
- Original articles, so it has character and characteristics.
- Write that many people search.
- Titles and descriptions in order to draw readers to find out more because it is unique or intriguing.
- SEO optimized.
- Easy to understand.
- Can solve problems or satisfy readers who are looking for that information.
- Write the main article.
- Outbound Links.
- Unique Image.
- Write articles routinely.
- Template Design.
- Using attractive templates and seo frendly.
- Eeyes catching, color and design does not disturb the eye.
- Text on articles easy to read (size 14px up, color contras, with a clear background) and not to any posts that are not seen by either eye when the image is loaded or when the image is not loaded.
- Speed Up Blog Loading.
- You can use PageSpeed Insights and much more to find out what should be improved to increase the speed of your blog.
- Do not install a widget that is not really needed.
- Image size uploaded not too big, could use tools.dynamicdrive.com or imageoptimizer.net.
- If you're uploading image just use the existing facilities on the blog, do not need to upload it out, the house itself is more accessible than other people's homes.
- Comment Optimization.
- Submit Sitemap.
- RSS Subscribe.
- Download Files.
- Offering Javascript.
- Commenting on other Blog / Website.
- Joining Forums and Communities.
- Sign up and Utilizing Your Articles On Directory Site.
- Top Level Domain.
- Expand and spread your URL Links.
- Joining Group Websites.
- Social Sites.
- Learn SEO and Tools.
- Creative.
What I want here is the article with almost all the keywords of a topic that will be discussed your blog, or in other words, the article became a general overview of a topic on your blog.
Make linkbond much as possible on each article, thus forming a interwoven on the whole article. If there is one interesting article, and on that article are a link to other articles, the majority of visitors will visit other articles. And of course this will make the value of the blog page views increased. And this is what you do in FEATURES.
Put a picture / image on each article, most visitors are attracted to the image in advance compared to the title and content of the article. So give a picture that is quite interesting, so that the visitors are interested in visiting your blog.
If you are able to at least one post per day. It will contain a good impression to the readers / visitors, because they view the blog / web you are always updated per day and chances are they will be returning for the next day, in addition, active blog will be quickly indexed by search engines (google, bing etc).
Make comments on your blog is easy and convenient while maintaining seo optimization. Avoid spam comments, and select which is not too intrusive loading speed for your blog / website.
Register your blog with multiple ways submit a sitemap to search engines such as Google and Bing. Additionally register with Webmaster tools with 3 methods of verification and register also to Google Universal Analytics.
When someone subscribe to your blog via RSS or get your blog updates via e-mail, they'll see your posts when there are new. It will be vital to keep the readers keep in touch with your blog and attract them back.
You can post the download ebook, software, templates, tutorials, etc., with include in the download file, your blog URL to be visited.
If you good in javascript, you can make a javascript that is useful for gadget in the sidebar of the blog such as javascript for recent post, recent comments, popular post, etc. You can list your blog link in your javascript, but the URL link must wise when seen.
Give comments which provide additional information, or any questions or suggestions and constructive criticism, so that the blog owner will be happy and can be visited as well as visitors of the blog will be curious about who this is commented. If your comment appears immediately (without moderation), then click on this link to be quickly indexed in Alexa - this according to some informations.
Active in the forums that you follow and in accordance with your blog, and certainly do not ever spamm, because it is forbidden, and certainly your membership in the Forum will be deleted.
There are many sites that provide services publication of your article. Most examples are digg.com and others.
If you really want to get serious with blog / web, then use the domain name in order looks like a professional so as to attracting readers to click. In the selection of a domain, use the familiar such as (.com, .net, etc.) and with a simple domain name (short) and also easy to remember.
There are many sources say that the more articles / posts on the blog / web, then it is possible will be the more readers / visitors. But it would be maximized if coupled with vigorous in spreading your URL links.
You can take advantage of groups that are already familiarie Yahoo Groups, Google Groups, etc. to build your small group discussion in accordance to your blog.
Such as yahoo answer, google question and answer and submit a new article to social bookmarking sites such as digg.com, twitter.com, facebook.com, google plus and others.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is important for increase traffic from search engine traffic. You can also use the facilities seo gauge/indicator, for improvement your blog.
Depends on the creativity of imagination your mind in attracting visitors get a lot of readers / visitors.
Thus info about 21 Tips on How to Get Thousands Visitors Per Day. Thank you.
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